Replace rocker shafts for sure

I should have been a skosh more detailed. T&D will install bushings in the rocker, but they won’t retro fit bushings.

And like I said, you have to ***** pretty hard to get them to do bushings, because like everybody else, they have a hard on that needles are better than bushings. I say they ain’t, and if I’m writing the checks, I get bushings.

Any decent engineering books will tell you NOT to use needle bearings on a reciprocating shaft. Yet, because Chevrolet was so damn cheap and used the GARBAGE ball/stud system that even needle bearings on a reciprocating shaft is better than that junk system.
If the rockers were spinning on the shaft or the shaft was spinning it would be a different story. The rockers don't move back and forth enough to take advantage of the needles. Bushings are a much better material for that.