
I've got two stories and zero opinion on what you do.
You're an adult, make your own decisions.
1st story.
During my deployment to Desert Storm, the howitzer crew I was with bonded and the level of cohesion was unreal.
After we got back, we all agreed to meet at a tattoo shop and we were going to get the dragon that was stenciled on the howitzer tube as a tattoo.
Two days before we were to get the tats done, the commander decided to break up the section. Thought that the cohesion would spread, didn't work. What was a great idea at 9:00am suddenly wasn't at 12:00pm.
2nd story.
Several years ago my friends wife wanted to get her nickname and a strawberry on her "boob".
This was prior to meeting my wife.
Last summer we're at a party and my wife sees her tattoo and asks the about the "Red" Hot Chili Pepper tattoo.