
Five pages of replies, and I didn't see a take close to mine so here goes:

It has nothing to do with horrible or skanky, it's more about (not) following the crowd. It seems to me to be just another fashion fad that would come and go...with the exception that it would never go.
Dudes with long hair (Fabio anyone? Hair Metal music?)
Earrings on men: first one ear, (and which ear had meaning if I remember right) then both.
Multiple earrings on women.
Then some of the most uncomfortable (I assume) places.
Feels to me like people are just chasing the latest fad in order to fit in with the cool kids. I've always felt and enjoyed being a little different (not better, just different) than the crowd. It's one of the reason I chose Mopar, 'cause most others didn't.
Hair can be cut. (though photos last forever...)
Holes in your body will close back up (except for those ginormous rings some kids are sticking in their ear lobes)
But Tat's...they're forever.