Not Many A-Bodies For Sale

I feel very blessed right now. I have work, good work and making money. I know a lot of people who are without work and don’t have a Penney to pee on. Sometimes it’s all about choices too. Are you prepared for situations? To the younger guys and gals out there... stick a few bucks away every week in the draw. It adds up quick. Don’t over spend or “keep up with the Jones” Apple is NOT your friend. They just want you addicted to technology. Invest in things IF you need to sell or trade, you can. Try to position yourself to be self sufficient and not dependent on others. Life is good even during the worst of times. Believe in something. For me it’s GOD. For you, it can be what ever works for you. Don’t believe everything you read or are told. The internet is not always right.
Off soap box.