Help Identify Early 318 Single Plane Intake

As some of you know I have been playing around with different basic 318 builds and alternative 318 factory intakes.

The latest intake is something I have had on the shelf here for a long time. For nostalgia purposes I would like some help identifying this early 318 Single Plane intake.

Have done quite a bit of looking online and it looks close to the 1965 273 2bbl intake, but those earlier year '65 had the different angle and position intake bolts compared to the 66 and up 318 intake bolt pattern.

This single plane intake I have here bolts up to this '91 stock 318 that I am working on, I am sure it will bolt up to the other 1970 and 1974 318s that I have here too.



Mounted up on 1991 stock 318, bolt holes lined up and bolts started.


This is more of a history deal for me, and I am not interested in how well it performs or not.

My questions are looking at the casting number can someone identify what year this intake actually is and what applications were they used on.

Under the blue rattle can paint on it there looks to be that Turquoise Green factory color like they used on the 1967 383s.

Thanks for any help you can offer.