Cam Ideas

Custom cam done right? Yes, agree with Wyrmrider
Shelf cam vs shelf cam, I stand my ground.
Who is doing the custom cam? I’ve seen hefty fubar results from the best names and brands. Race ramp lobes with ear popping lifts that are supposed to be the latest and greatest most power making thing since the discovery of N02 fall flat on there face while brand sloppy poop made more power. LMAO!!!!

It also depends on which shelf cam you compare to what other shelf cam. The wrong shelf cam compared to a decent shelf grind will show pretty big gains.

One thing the dyno can’t duplicate is driveability. On Friday night I had the pair of tunnel ram carbs I was working on so close that any other tuning was picking the fly poop out of the pepper.

Being the AR freak I am, I decided to go for the fence and made one change that screwed me blind. WOT was still fine. Getting from just off idle to WOT was perfect. Idle speed and tune was most excellent. But driveablity took a massive deuce on me.

And I fought that issue until almost 2 PM today. I refused to go back to the one change I made because I liked the change. I had to make it happy. And I did. And my buddy is happy too.

The point is you can’t really measure driveablity other than driving it. Cam timing affects driveability, but you won’t see that on a Dyno.

That’s why I snivel don’t much about cam timing and getting something ground for your specific combination. It may not make any more power, either at WOT or even have more power under the curve. But I can say that you can find driveablity without giving up power.