I enjoyed Bottle Rockets shake down runs this weekend

they went 9's in the 1/8 last night, with no traction, and Lamchop learning how to drive a stick. They are bent on Lamchop being the driver, though this is his first time racing a stick. They are supposed to return to the track in 2 weeks with better tires. Said their goal will be 8's in the 1/8. Been a fun build, in the very least entertaining

I may watch the video but I doubt they have a clutch anywhere close to moving that big pig that fast and not break parts. And it’s beyond idiotic to take a guy who has never raced a stick and have him drive. On his best day he will be off .3 from a decent driver.

And, if they don’t use a 2 step, the guy will never be any good. It takes years and YEARS to drive a clutch car well, and not having a 2 step is criminal. Maybe they have one, but knowing what I know of UT, he wouldn’t use one because it’s not OE.

Just dumb IMO.