I enjoyed Bottle Rockets shake down runs this weekend

I guess that’s my point. Why break a bunch of stuff trying to learn? It drives people right out of the hobby. And sure as hell is hot, some guys will watch it and try to copy what he’s doing. The come and go like sunrise and sunset.

If UT can’t find someone to help shorten up his learning curve, he is doing this on purpose. It’s one of my top two pet peeves doing this stuff. We are all hear to help someone shorten up their learning curve. Breaking crap and taking the long road just raises costs and causes frustration.
well, I think these guys are too old in the hobby to get discouraged and lose interest. I'm sure a portion of this is just to generate views and subscribers. Internet and TV is full of bad ideas and stupidity, so people can follow what they want and believe what they want. These guys are just having fun and I'm just having fun watching it.