I enjoyed Bottle Rockets shake down runs this weekend

I watched the video. I have no idea of the concept of the whole thing. My philosophy is diametrically opposed to what UT said he wanted.

I would never take a guy to the track without taking him to a safe place and teaching him how to do a burnout, and how to get the car to even half assed leave.

I don’t get the “2 gear” philosophy. It has a clutch, not a converter. I like the 3.09 gear to get the car moving, but trying use rear gears so tall it can cross in second is a tactic I can’t get my head around.

I’ve raced many different stick cars, from 15 seconds down to low 9’s and I’ve never seen a car getting beat on by the driver be quicker. Never. You have to move with a purpose, but beating the car up and using body english is another concept I can’t get in my headspace.

I appreciate what UT is doing. I just have a different way of doing it.