We signed the papers yesterday!

I didn't see a pic of how far it is from your house to your shop. Distance between mine is 50' at most. I put a separate meter base on my shop, but if I had it to do over again, I would have changed the meter base on my house from the 200 amp base that it is now, to a 320 amp base. I could have then still had one run go from the bottom of the meter into my 200 amp house panel, and then added a 200 amp disconnect beside the 320 amp base, and ran from the bottom of that breaker to the top of a 200 amp panel in the shop. It would have cost more initially, but would have ended up costing less in the long run. I don't use a lot of electricity in the shop, but the service charge on the power bill is always there....and at a commercial rate since it is non residential. I was so excited to finally get a big garage behind the house that I didn't think that through well enough! :BangHead: