Cams choice, Low CR vs VE%

The problem begins when people say an engine is just an air pump. Its not, they totally ignore the fueling component.

Don't tell me what I ignore, because you don't know. An engine IS indeed an air pump, but a self driven one. Every air pump has to have a power source. An internal combustion engine just happens to create its own power.

But directed at @273, your question "as presented" is unanswerable. Though the forum gurus make think they can, they effectively cannot and neither can anyone else in the question's present form. For an answer, you "must" provide a basis of comparison. In other words "Does engine A have more VE% than engine B?" "If so why?" This is a comparison question and as such needs a basis for a comparison.

It's like all these stupid commercials on TV saying "You'll lose 40% more weight". Oh yeah? 40% more weight "THAN WHAT", yet people flock to them never realizing they just got took by the oldest trick in the book.