Weight loss and perseverance

I am calling today my last official weigh-in of the month...a day early.

Why? Because today is exactly 1000 days since I started this journey.

It has been a big Month. I have lost 6 lbs and my new weight is 231 lbs. That makes it now 84 lbs lost.

The numbers are bigger because I increased my activity, decreased intake by 150 calories per day and started controlling my sodium intake to around 2200 mg per day. It was around 3400 mg before and I figure about a lb of the weight loss is because of it. It also reduced my daily Blood Pressure variation and now it is nice and tight around 120/80 and a pulse rate of 62 all day, no matter what I am doing.

1000 days
84 lbs lost
294,000 calories removed...one less bite at a time in every meal.

46 lbs to go to get to my ultimate goal and now solidly on track to having lost 100 lbs (my original goal) by Christmas...maybe even by Thanksgiving. :)

Last time I weighed 231 lbs was over 25 years ago when I was 30 years old.
