Stop in for a drink.

Because I can’t find any more Coors Extra Gold available anywhere around here, I had the chance tonight to compare the last few from my second to last case with some Coors banquet beer from a new case.

I really like the CEG and have been drinking it as my regular for a few years now. I had a CEG first and then a CBB.

I think the CEG has a richer flavor but is also sweeter (not sure if sweeter is better). The CEG also has crisper carbonation thoughout the entire can from start to finish. The CBB is a little crisp at first but fades into a soft foamy carbonation as you work through the can. I like the consistent carbonation mouth feel of CEG better.

CBB has nice mild flavor, good nose and no off notes. It feels lighter in taste (calories and ABV are the same as CEG) which makes it entirely drinkable and refreshing, but somewhat lacking compared to the CEG.

I also bought a case of Michelob Original Lager which was my regular before I switched to the CEG. I will do a direct comparison with it and the CBB tomorrow and post my thoughts. Then sometime later I will compare the MOL to the CEG (once I get room in the fridge for them all.)

In case you hadn’t noticed, I seem to be partial to Lager beers...LOL!