Proform 850 dialing it in closer

So looking at the time lines, this is what i got for the o2s during the 2nt gear "launch".
at launch it when from 13.08 up to 15.20 for .24 sec/ 1/4 sec
then when richer from 15.20 down to 10.20 for .25 sec/1/4 sec
then went leaner from 10.20 up to 12.88 for .16 sec/ 1/8 sec
Then when Richer from 12.88 down to 9.91 for .17 sec/ 1/8 sec
Then went back up from 9.91 up to a 11.26 for .57 sec./ 1/2 sec
then it averaged 10.89 to 11.59 o2s thru 2n't and 3d gear.

What does all of this mean i don't know.........after the eng established the squirter were keeping it rich for a 1/2 sec......!?.??
all of this = the first 1.25 secs of probably a 2.25 60 foot time.... just a guess.