I warned him! Lol.

All the public ones were cancelled here in Eastern Washington, least I think they were. But with them being "legal" in the unincorporated county I live in there was plenty of noise. One of my dogs is terrified of the noise so if fireworks were outlawed here I would not care.
Hopefully the statue of limitations has expired....My Uncle George knew someone that worked in demolitions. Have no idea how his friend walked off the job site with a couple sticks of dynamite....but they ended up in my hands. I was 15 or so. Long story but I was in possession of a fire hydrant wrench. I left it out where I used to ride my dirt bike. Every now & then I would uncap a hydrant and open it up....the township would see a gigantic spike in flow and shut the water system down in this area.
I went for a walk one day...just to uncap a hydrant. Tossed the wrench out into the bushes, where I always left it. Few days later I had 1 stick of dynamite with me. My buddy was unaware of what I was doing...I wiggled it down into the hydrant, lit it and ran...I shouted to me friend as I was approaching he needed to run. The sound of it going off was incredible. The next morning, I was sound asleep in the basement of my folks home. My mother woke me up, screaming....Douglas Raymond Crann you better get your *** up here right NOW! She has the local paper, front page has a picture of a seriously torn up chunk of asphalt. Hydrant laying about 40' from where it should have been. "Unknown Vandal Strikes Again". Got a call from Uncle George later that day...he told me to not call him for a while as my mother, his sister, knew that somehow we were involved in the hydrant explosion.