Pick a cam for me

If you are using exhaust manifolds, good idea .
If not, not needed and might hurt the milage, aka fuel put the pipe from over scavenge.
A lot of stuff is tossed out there... like the tune was mentioned sarcastically, someone saying advance cam 8 degrees... sure, a cruiser getting 8 mpg is fun on the wallet, sounds nice and crackly. What's good for one is a nightmare for others. Blanket statements galore, not saying by you...just other posts I've read between a couple threads here. People get triggered by one post and forget the other half 8n their retort . Done it, bought the t shirt
Yes you can tune it in or out...you can bandaid the mismatched you can manipulate anything 'on wheels or with tits' ...but its gonna come at a cost somewhere else. Good thing we have each other to help sound board with.
Back to the broad generalizations and what nots. Poke poke

And it's not about people running the same thing as me. I don't give a ****, really. I was ASKED what I chose and I answered. I also said that IMO it was a good choice and for ME it is. If somebody else is building something similar, it might be good for them too. Then again, they can put the MP 292 in for all I care. When I am asked about something, I generally answer. Fair enough?