Project Plain Jane

Been a while since I posted.Lots has happened in that time so bear with me while I get this all down. First off we never sold the house as my wifes health took a massive swing for the worse.She began falling a lot back in May 2019 and she was a big girl.I had no choice but to call the ambulance and in turn they got 4 big sturdy firemen to get her off the floor. This happened 3 times in May and after the 3rd fall they kept her in hospital.In July last year she was transferred to a long term are facility,and the Dr's began trialing different drugs in the hopes of getting her pain and other symptoms under control. It only increased her rapid decline.Every visit I had with her I could see her worsening,and I was going 2-3 times a week. This was tough both mentally and physically.When covid struck the care home went on lock down and no visitations were allowed.But we kept in touch via facebook,messenger and facetime.Thats when she informed me she had come to a decision and I was going to be allowed to see her so she could tell me.She had decided to use Canada's M.a.i.d program (medical assitance in death).It was a heart breaking decision for both of us but it was 100% her choice to make,and I couldn't disagree with it not after seeing how much she was suffering.So I did the right thing and supported her .Gathered witnesses to sign and a proxy to sign for her as she could no longer hold a pen.Informed family and friends.Got all our ducks in a row legally.On May 13th she left us.

Here is her obituary

The Dart I am restoring was named for her.Plain Jane was a nickname bestowed on my wife by a room mate a long time ago,not for her looks but for her eating habits.So it will continue under this name and the finished car will have something on it to reflect this.This car was what I was driving when I met her.We had our first date in it. I can never let it go,sell it etc.So I might as well finish it.