More reasons the car hobby will not modernize

The supercharge option is available to the cars that Tesla thinks can handle it. After the battery wears, high current charging damages the battery further so they blacklist that VIN or mac address or whatever ID it carries for supercharging. Normal charging is always available. Same way Microsoft stops updates from Win7 computers and even does not support Win10 on Win7 laptops (lack of power or chipset features) as there are no Win7 drivers for many new single board laptop peripherals now, and vice versa. Apple is the worst. Pushes OS's that are larger than some phones internal memory and battery issues.....criminal. They lost a suit in federal court preventing 3rd parties from accessing data to repair them. John Deere is the same, they wont release repair documents on their products. Any time you see an Apple logo on a Prius, that person thinks its 'saving the planet from greenhouse gasses', yet is filling landfills with unrepairable Apple products and supporting terrible working conditions at Foxconn, Apples manufacturing contractor..who has suicide nets outside their dorms to protect people.... on the sidewalks.