Alan P at Indy

I have a hard time believing he brushed aside RPM. So serious engine builder who does more than bracket racing stuff knows better.

He is also fully aware of the architecture limits of the engine he uses.

FWIW, the Johnson family didn’t get near the help most thing they did. Let’s not forget, Chrysler in its infinite stupidity pulled ALL support from the Johnsons’s in late 1998 and gave it to the Nickens/Morgan team, and that was a debacle.

The Johnson’s success lies almost solely with Roy himself, and their in house guys. There was a time in 1999-2000 that Roy couldn’t even GET a block.

Nick Ferrie, who is an exceptional builder couldn’t make a dodge run. And he tried twice. Once with Jeg and a few years back with Elite.

No one else wants to touch it. Rules made the Dodge engine platform obsolete.

If AP wants to keep running PS, he should either put a GM engine in his chassis and live with it, or put a GM body on his chassis with the GM engine and go race.

He has zero chance of being competitive.

He said it. Surprised me when I brought it up. He stated facts but made no excuses for his program. He is, and has been, a dedicated MOPAR guy. Chrysler should have backed Team Johnson way before they actually did and they weren’t treated by Chrysler very nicely when it ended IMO. They also have been lifelong MOPAR people. No one can dispute the Old Man’s engine prowess but they did have factory support and that makes a difference. You may be correct in that he won’t become competitive but it won’t be for lack of effort or dedication. As long as he shows up, I’m rootin’ for him. Unfortunately what used to be my favorite class is no more.