Tunnel ram cam?!

I saw your rant at the bottom of the original post about not caring about others opinions on various things. All I can say is, be prepared to do a lot of tuning & not get the results you are shooting for. Tunnels rams look good on street cars but their day to day performance isn't the best in the west. They are meant for race cars & higher RPM's to utilize the deep plenum area. I've tried what you are starting & finally gave up after 2 years of disappointing results. I don't run a tunnel ram on my bracket car, just a single plane intake & a severely worked 4779 Holley 4 point idle circuit carburetor. With the 408 stroker in it I turning 10's with great results & with the 416 I'm building, my plans are to be in the 9 second range. If you are interested in any further specs, PM me, we'll discuss it.

I just did a street tunnel ram. The owner says he will NEVER go back to a single 4. What has him excited is the bottom end with the TR.

If you do a TR correctly, and IF you buy a cam just for it, and IF you are willing to tune it, the payoff is gold.

If you don’t want to do that, the TR isn’t for you. The BS about the TR being high RPM is just that. BS.