Other Hobbies that Take Our Money

I have several hobbies. None of them "Take My Money".

That being said, I've been an N scaler since the late 60's, still have my baseball cards, love bicycling, running and exercising, in general. Used to play fast pitch softball, too old now (61).

My mom was a musician and photographer. She played violin, cello, alto sax (I still have it.), and clarinet. I had several of her cameras. They're gone now. She developed her own stuff before my sister and I came along. She also played baseball during WWII.

My dad had the railroad blood. His cousin and his father (my great uncle) worked for the Pennsylvania. My Great Uncle Joe ran steam.

Sorry, not all hobby related, but I think hobbies go through the family lines.

But they definitely don't "Take My Money". :thumbsup: