AC guinea pig...

Throughout the years, you are slowly turning into me. You are about 15 years behind me is all. Slowly, but surely, the race components leave the car and a nice street driver is born. Then, at some point, some dude will join a sight, maybe named P-jar, and he'll hound and heckle you to prove every aspect of your statements and tell you how and what you don't understand, and then.... and then...... you'll think of ole' 318willrun. And then, you'll understand

............................................................................................... maybe :poke:
On the contrary I'm 15 years ahead of you...
I've ran from one car to the next and one hobby to the next having all kinds of different vehicles and ATVs and such...
been there done that now I'm just concentrating on the one...
How can you say my race components are leaving when I just got brand new dual carburetors that were even bigger than the last ones? how can you say I'm taking away race components when I just switch to aluminum heads with more flow? How can you say I'm taking race components off when I just had a complete Nitrous system? Please try and refrain yourself from turning this thread into a fiasco as there probably are quite a few people looking to see how this relatively inexpensive AC turns out...
or do I hear you really saying you trying to take credit for the all of this?...