AC guinea pig...

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I'm getting pretty close now. I just have to wire the little light that I want for an indicator for my normal fan and just do some more wire tucking and protecting. also I just have to put the grill and the bumper back on which shouldn't take very long. Pretty much after that everything is down to the evaporator inside the car. All the hoses and wires are pretty much ran and inside the car now. I think I just have two hot wires and a ground inside the car besides the two hoses to connect to the evaporator. I'm going to coil up some hose under the dash for the evaporator as it will be covering a lot of my wiring for the nitrous and stuff like that and I want to be able to just pull the evaporator down out of the way without having to discharge it. Since it's really only hanging by the three bolts I should be able to just take those off quickly and coil it out over onto the floor easily..