Summit Racing Stores Now Require Masks

I'm in NY state ..they are required everywhere, and why not. Didn't we bury enough people yet.
Was on a conference call this morning. Topic was pretty sobering.
Suicide rates in the US is nearing record numbers for this point in the year.
Veteran suicides are up and expected to rise before the years end.
Part of the fallout of this pandemic is higher rates of depression and it's expected to create a mental health care crisis.
Some of the other issues disused was the states reporting of COVID cases.
Example given was Ohio is reporting 78,742 cases. That is a total number since March 13th. What's not being reported was current active cases, in Ohio's case it was 1047 of those 348 were hospitalizations 62 of those were ICU admissions. There was additional data, but it's not relevant as it was county break downs.
In addition the subject of individuals with serious health conditions are not seeking treatment.
There has been a spike in heart attacks, strokes all the while cancer treatment is down.
In short, people with cancer isn't declining, they just aren't being treated or diagnosed.
The butchers bill for this will be high.