Summit Racing Stores Now Require Masks

You truly can't be dumb enough to think your 80 yr old mother in law has a 99.7% chance of surviving COVID, are you?
why, you ready to start discussing co-morbidities?

i also know if she and i were to get in a car accident her chances of surviving are less then mine
does that mean i should lock her up in the house?

wanna know a secret?
she is going to die
its gonna happen sooner or later

the question is, is she going to spend her last days enjoying life?
or is she going to spend them cowering in a dark room scared of her own shadow?

see, thats where this whole thing gets off track
people are fed false numbers by those who have an agenda and they swallow it, hook line and sinker
getting the virus isnt bad
its like the flu, only less deadly
people die from the flu, sure, but we dont cower in fear for it
we dont kill our economy over a case of the sniffles

i was on a plane two days ago, coming home from vacation and i saw a couple wearing rainsuits
full on rainsuits

think that is healthy?

just wash your hands, cover your cough, things will be jut fine