my Low dollar 318 hop-up project

Just to keep the record straight, I didn't go anywhere. I'm doing what I was doing years before websites, I'm pretty consistent. I was Roadkill before they made the Roadkill show. Like a Ford that was on it's way to the junkyard but we got it running and I worked the broken throttle cable with a grip plier through the hood from my window while the guy next to me shifted it and I worked the pedals. That was me, and those that know me know this. Or the '85 Caravelle that was on it's way to the junkyard but we took it and put a 125 dollar MP computer in it, bent the waste gate arm, fish bubbler, gutted it and ran 14.6's with a bad tranny that we had to let off so it would go into the next gear. I won't bore you with all the stories, but yes, this is who i was and who i am :)
just to keep the record double straight I didn't say you went anywhere or I went anywhere we just go in different ways of doing things....
Where you would metaphorically duct tape and bailing wire a car headed to the junkyard to keep it running, I would probably blow it all apart and put everything back together how it's supposed to be...
And also to keep the record straight I'm doing the same thing I've always done. take something mediocre and stock and customize the living crap out of it till it's a one-off vehicle...