Anybody heard of one of these transmissions ?


Johnny Dart

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
So Cal
It's a Tark Flight. Only $400, might be worth a try.

The bigger question is.......

Just what engine was used with it to power that shopping cart wheel and why?
Looks like is seen some water.

Is it a 727? BB or SB?
Looks like is seen some water.

Is it a 727? BB or SB?

For sure a 727, look at the pan bulge this side. Who knows what engine. Remember they made a few for AMC/ IHC and I don't know what else LOL
I have heard many primary English speakers do just as bad as that.

The person is probably a millennial, true product of our current public school program.

Nope. That’s an old guy. Computers as a second language, not English. Most millennials wouldn’t know to try and call it a torqueflite to begin with. And I say most, aren’t you a millennial Rani?
Nope. That’s an old guy. Computers as a second language, not English. Most millennials wouldn’t know to try and call it a torqueflite to begin with. And I say most, aren’t you a millennial Rani?

And many don't know how to spell torqueflite
I was expecting a rare and unusual mopar transmission in this thread like a powerflite.

Anyone here ever heard of a powerflite, I just came across one the other day out of a late 50s car. Weird to our standards now but it was a pretty good transmission for time despite it's torque convertor being a really cave man design.

Nope. That’s an old guy. Computers as a second language, not English. Most millennials wouldn’t know to try and call it a torqueflite to begin with. And I say most, aren’t you a millennial Rani?
I'm not sure when millennials started (I think 1990), I was born in 1986, so i think millennials are younger than me.
I was expecting a rare and unusual mopar transmission in this thread like a powerflite.

Anyone here ever heard of a powerflite, I just came across one the other day out of a late 50s car. Weird to our standards now but it was a pretty good transmission for time despite it's torque convertor being a really cave man design.

I’ve had a couple of those. My ‘55 Coronet had one, lots of the early Hemi’s had them. Can’t give those things away for the most part.

I'm not sure when millennials started (I think 1990), I was born in 1986, so i think millennials are younger than me.

Yeah no, you’re a millennial. Millennials are generally considered to have been born from 1981-1996, so, some of them are pushing 40. Most people are still saying “millennials” when they mean Gen Z (1997-)
Well people speak and spell differently. A big for instance with me is, I spell the way I talk sometimes. I type the word "caint" for can't because that's how I say it. I know correct English. I could have been an English major. But I'm just an old redneck. I generally don't like it when people are made fun of because of either their typing skills or their speaking skills. None of us knows their story. Mightta had a stroke. Mightta been brought up speaking that way all their life. We have a member here who people make fun of and bash on a regular basis. He's a veteran. Fought for our country. I don't know what his deal is......stroke, or some such, but he DOES have a problem, and most everybody knows it, yet he's constantly made fun of. I don't like it. Not one bit. It's like bein in the 5th grade all over again and hearin some of the kids pointin and snikerin at the kids in the special ed line. I never liked that either.

We all know the type transmission the guy HAS, right? Isn't that all that matters?
Its quite often due to the use of "Voice to Text" feature on their phone or tablet. I could name a few members that obviously use this feature to post .
I'd balk more at his price than his spelling. $400 for what most would consider a core? :realcrazy: A few years ago, I had a neighbor that moved in behind me....from Oklahoma. He was a Mopar guy too, and all his stuff was at home. He was going home to OK for a week or so, and asked if I needed any 727 cores. He said they're $25 each....and I was like :eek:! He asked me how many I wanted, and I told him as many as he felt like hauling. He brought me a dozen, and I gladly paid him! Mix of SB and BB cores, with maybe a half dozen converters. A few of them may actually be TARKFLITES! :D
Yeah no, you’re a millennial. Millennials are generally considered to have been born from 1981-1996, so, some of them are pushing 40. Most people are still saying “millennials” when they mean Gen Z (1997-)
i just call y'all
A cute story: My oldest brothers first day of kindergarten, the teacher sent a note home with him for the parents. She said she couldn't understand him or anything he said. My parents both spoke German at home and that was all my brother knew.
Well people speak and spell differently. A big for instance with me is, I spell the way I talk sometimes. I type the word "caint" for can't because that's how I say it. I know correct English. I could have been an English major. But I'm just an old redneck. I generally don't like it when people are made fun of because of either their typing skills or their speaking skills. None of us knows their story. Mightta had a stroke. Mightta been brought up speaking that way all their life. We have a member here who people make fun of and bash on a regular basis. He's a veteran. Fought for our country. I don't know what his deal is......stroke, or some such, but he DOES have a problem, and most everybody knows it, yet he's constantly made fun of. I don't like it. Not one bit. It's like bein in the 5th grade all over again and hearin some of the kids pointin and snikerin at the kids in the special ed line. I never liked that either.

We all know the type transmission the guy HAS, right? Isn't that all that matters?
I'm not sure when millennials started (I think 1990), I was born in 1986, so i think millennials are younger than me.
My last baby was born in 84.
By 86 my wife was 29;
Yeah so my wife has been 29 quite a few times,since then.
She looks more like 63, but I don't say nuffin.