AC guinea pig...

98-99 degrees today and I took it out in the very 2 o'clock 3 heat of the day..
AC was blowing out more like 49-51 degrees, but wanted to keep the car tolerable with the windows up. I absolutely need to get some directional vents to get it blowing on me instead of reaching over and feeling the passenger seat cold LOL...
Radiator fan was only able to kick off one time going down a Long tree covered Hill.. well it was over the 190 mark the whole drive it wasn't far past it.. it did get up to what I would think was 200 maybe even 205... But that was in the serious traffic just before I got home...
On the highway with everything going and ruining everything the voltmeter was staying around 13... When I shut the AC off it would slowly make its way back to 14 but I couldn't do that for long it was too hot LOL..
It did make the cab of the car colorable in 99 degree heat that's for sure. I wasn't getting cold but then again I wasn't getting blown directly on either...