Some people!!!!! (Rant)

So my brother in law smokes more weed than Willie Nelson...he has a very warped sense of reality. We are the dumb ones for working so much and etc,etc, etc, as he works for cash, has no retirement, rents a house, no car, etc, etc, etc. We have had a couple issues in the past. Once my wife says she needs to tell me something and I had to promise not to be works. She said she went and bought him groceries because he was broke and had no food. I asked..does he have weed? "Yes" Then he got his priorities messed up. I told her that I'm not working 70 hours a week to put food on his table...never again!!! Fast forward about 5 years. He was here at my house all the time using my garage and, all my stuff to clean his truck or whatever. I needed a quart of transmission fluid and asked if he had any, he replied with, "Yes but, you need to replace it and don't buy me any of that cheap stuff".....seriously...he said that as he's standing there using my water, bucket, car wash soap, paper towels, shop vac, and, glass cleaner cleaning his truck and, when he gets hot he jumps in my pool. I WAS PISSED!!!! He would come over every Saturday and use all this stuff. I looked at him and said " Well mother f@#$%& you can put it on my tab!!" There was a falling out between him and my wife so, he doesn't come around anymore....I don't miss him at all!!!