The Death of Common Sense

"All men are created equal" ---------- What a crock.-------- People have different natural abilities that they are born with. Athletic ability, size, strength, musical ability, painting pictures, mechanical ability, etc. Given enough time and practice people learn how to do things up to a certain level. That level is different for different people. My ability in the arts world is pretty poor. But I was born with some mechanical ability. It started with a box [paper tube] of tinker toys, graduated to an erector set, and ended up with Mopars. My brother in law can't do squat to fix his own car, yet he's good at woodworking. I was fortunate to have parents that were doers. And they taught me more useful things than most teachers taught me in school. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it at the time. People learn by watching as well as doing.

---------------- We are born ignorant, but strive to get less ignorant throughout life. --------------
Mr Samual Colt Took care of all men are created equal.