360-1 Indy 245 cnc heads

Ok now some flow numbers. To help stop confusion the head listed as NEW is a 360-1 Indy 245 CNC'd head. The one listed as old is ALSO a 360-1 Indy 345 CNC'd head but reworked by Ryan (Shadydale) and another head porter in Pa. This is the one that has a hole in the exhaust port that I tried getting welded for him with little success so he is putting the one NEW head on.

New head Intake
.100-----55 cfm
.500----295----380-400--- fast but not to fast
.550----312-320--jumpy---air speed pegged at 401 PLUS across short-turn
.700----325-330----noisy----air jumping short-side. You can hear this with your ears with muffs on.

New head Exhaust

I totally HATE the way they went about doing this exhaust port and as much as I like what the intake side could be with very little work there is to much metal removed on the exhaust side to do what I would want to do. Airspeed on the exhaust should be at least 325 FPS. I had to really search to find 275 FPS. Old head numbers coming.