After market AC system

Without reading your thread, how did you like it?
A quick over view post please.
Pro’s and Con’s?
Customer service was great, price was dirt cheap.. the kit was 98% complete...
To tell you upfront it's more of a universal deal. You need to get or make your own compressor bracket which it's the typical 508 compressor... Obviously supplied a couple few cans of freon what's your five bucks each at Walmart... The 2% of incomplete that I'm talking about or maybe a couple nuts and bolts to mount a couple things and some radiator style zip ties to mount the condenser and it's fan...
I would say if you call for some customer support and you don't get an answer just wait 20 minutes and call again Monday through Friday. You'll likely talk to Omar and I highly recommend running down a few questions after looking at their website and asking and seeing for yourself if your confidence isn't built...
and again all in all I had to shut mine off the other day because my fingers and arm was getting numb...