Stop in for a cup of coffee

No, i have several, its the fact i dont have it. Thats my favorite one. Cordless.
Im always looking for a reason to ***** him out anyway. His fault, keeps him on his best behaviour, or so i thought.
I will just go pick it up, its likely in his truck. hes not too far away.
The other day he was using my mig, set the gun down and walked away. Whats that noise?
By the time i realized it had spooled about 50 feet of wire out. It has a very light trigger....
There was words..
That's near the top of my wanted list now -CORDLESS grinder. Have a few corded. gotta have different ones for sand disk, cutoff... If I do get cordless, that would probably have cutoff most of the time. That's the one most likely to do an oops on the cord or just screw something up when the cord snags while you are watching the cut. LOL