Powderd metal valve seats

we were using powdered metal in propane, cng and pollution sucking bad gas out of the ground applications
whose ductile seats
I've had to replace too many "chrome moly" cheap seets
I call them "muffler tubing"

I got the DI seats from Kibblewhite, CV Products and one other place I can’t think of.

Then one day the dim bulb in my brain went on and I realized...”you’re a machinist...why are you BUYING sized seats that may be bigger than you want, or the wrong thickness, or the ID is not what you want...why not buy a stick or two of ductile iron stock and make my own”?

So I started making my own seats. I charged extra but it was worth it. I could make them any thickness I wanted, any OD or ID...whatever I wanted.

I also had adjustable cutters so I didn’t need a nominal OD.