Barracuda vent window adjustment

Yes, I need to raise the entire frame a fraction of an inch so the glass will clear the stainless door trim. I didn't expect a response for weeks. Thanks.

I knew about the 2 allen head bolts under the weather strip. Unbelievably, those were easy to find.

"One of the attaching points for the vent frame is just forward of where the window crank mounts on the window regulator." Is that a common bolt with crank or regulator? ( I really do not want to mess up regulator adjustments.)

"The lower one can be found by following the vent glass/door glass divider down almost to the bottom of the door." Is this another bolt below the one mentioned above?

"There's also a couple of mounting bolts that go through door skin and into the lower vent frame." Completely mysterious. How could they go through the door skin without being obvious?