Piston question

I would rather have the speed pros just because that is what I planned and did the most research on. I dont have a problem with the kb107s I would run them I was just hesitant on buying them because my guy dont like them he said they are junk. He said he has seen more than one engine locked up blew up messed up because of kb pistons. He cracked me up he is old guy it's a family operation him his son and grandson all run the place his grandson is like 25 and he said I would run the kb they will be fine the old guy spoke up and said I have seen so many tops come off kbs I wouldnt put one in a lawn mower. Haha

I am sure he's right too. Not that they're junk because they're not. But I'm sure he's seen them do exactly as he described, but through the error of those who set the ring gaps......I would be hesitant to use him if that was him. More likely, it was his machine customer setting them up themselves and not following KB's recommendation. I've seen it all too much with Chevy guys especially. They will even read the instructions and somehow in some grand moment think they know more than KB and just set the rings to the stock spec.

Plus, the Speed Pros require none of that special ring gap stuff anyway, so you don't have to worry with it.