Drill bits

That, and if you don't know the chuck speed, slow it down, don't speed it up.

What you do with your wang is...oh, what, wait.
Sorry, Biden moment.

I don't even trust their free flashlights when it is replacing flashlights that my American brothers, sisters, and non-binary's build. That kills their jobs from the bauxite miner to the retailer, all the way up.

Besides, knowing the Chicoms these days, that free flashlight is probably scanning your emails, watching your daughter undress, and giving you cancer.
Not defending the Chinese, but instead of avoiding HF flashlights, you would be better served by shutting down permanently the computer that you used to make your posting, unplugging the flatscreen tv in your living room and never ever use a cell phone.
If you want to hate someone for moving American jobs to foreign soil, you would be more on target by blaming the Democratic Party and the Bill Clinton administration for pushing NAFTA into law.