Nice stock throttle cable bracket that works with aftermarket manifolds

Last thing I got at this first yard was that M body 90° angle oil filter adaptor off the 318 laying on its side. I was a little loopy from the wasp sting and the heat. I remember me rolling up in my truck to this 318 piled next to other junk engines and saying out loud to myself "well looky there a 90° filter adaptor. Should I get it? Dont mind if I do. Thank you Mr 318. I appreciate ya" Then i hit a second local yard that I dont normally go to because ya have to walk it. They dont allow vehicles in. That one i was from 1pm to about 2pm.

I freeze my water bottles the night before and drink it as it thaws. Drank about a gallon. It was 106° that day. Never pissed out a drop either. The sun sucked the moisture out of me all day as I was working.

Pic below is what I found in the second yard. It's insane what people will throw away. Car was solid, and full of rat poop.

