Big horsepower 318 builds

What I’m seeing in the Ford/Chevy 302 video is....... two motors with way higher flowing fully ported heads(345cfm with 2.19 valves for the Ford/311cfm and 2.08 valves for the Chevy) that have bigger valves in them, making less power than the 416 I posted the dyno sheet to.
Those 416 heads have 2.02 valves and flowed about 270.

The test with the Chevy and the TR that made 545hp was also done using Q16 fuel.

Here’s a street/strip 410 , 270cfm heads, 2.02 valves, smaller cam than what was used in the video motors, running on pump 93, run with the crank turning the water pump.
(Electric water pumps on both the video motors)


273’s always arguing how the cubes don’t matter.
My experience is they do.

There is no doubt in my mind that a 318 built using the equivalent parts on it as was used for either of the motors in the video, that you’d end up over 500hp.
(If you used TF heads for the 318, you’d still have smaller heads, with smaller valves, flowing less air than either of those video motors)

And I’m also just as sure that if those same parts were on a 416...... it would be over 600hp(at least it would be if I built it).