50 in a 45 zone wth?

A ticket for 5 over anything above a 20-25 limit is preposterous. It is time for you the people to take back your state. Around here, speed has generally for certain gone up. 10-15 over on the freeway is commonplace, damn near 80 in a 70 is probably closer to 30-40% or more. You SELDOM see a cop stopping anybody around here, and it's been weeks since I've seen a RADAR cop. the city, here, does have ONE motor cop. I damn near wrecked his *** several years ago in the Dart

I pulled out of a supermarket onto a 35mph street and simply accelerated. Nothing illegal, just got up to speed. He is obviously used to import junk. He started following, and ended up I went through a light as it was turning yellow. He followed...........illegally. The light was red by the time he went through. He sped up trying to get through. IMMEDIATELY through the light, 2-3 cars ahead stopped to left turn into a Goodwill store. This is a 2 lane street. He God Damn near hit me, back there with the speed wobble on the brakes and the whole damn thing. No, he did not stop me. He was wishing he was somewhere else
Noticed that a few years back when heading to Florida for a vacation. Rt 95 was 80+ and no way the cops could stop all the speeders. It seems to have progressed here also. You would get run over if you attempt the normal limit these days. I hear people don't use stop signs and redlights in Tennessee and who knows what its like in New York. I imagine its just a big traffic jam there with some very aggressive driving.