Has anyone tried learning another launguage

I don't have any experience with the online courses, I wish you well.

I have been living in Mexico now for the past 10 years. I have a B.A. in Spanish/Political Science from San Diego State University (2009), was taught Spanish at the Border Patrol Academy (1985), and married a Mexican born spouse thirty years ago (1988). I hated Spanish in high school (circa 1972) and dropped it in exchange for an hour of study hall. My Spanish is passable, but not perfect. Some of us (especially guys) are just not that great at picking up a second language. Of course, what I learned at a university level did not help one iota when overhearing conversations in the male restroom of a Tijuana cantina, that is all slang.

Circa 2005, I took a summer school class in Arabic. After a month or so, my vehicle broke down for the last time and I had to drop the class. I can sign my name in Arabic (see photo), but that is about all. Arabic uses different verbiage when addressing a male or female, does not use the verb "to be" (for example to say "girl is pretty" one just says "girl pretty". Then one writes backwards from right to left, using squiggly lines and dots, nothing to do with our ABC alphabet. If I thought Spanish was difficult, I was not going to learn Arabic in a million years, especially starting out at fifty years of age. I was lucky having had to drop the class, in lieu of making a complete fool out of myself.

arabic signature copy.png