Smoked some wires today

That's fine.
I'm kind of sketched out to test with it in start because its burning stuff up, and its within a few seconds.
Resistance tests are done with power disconnected so no danger there.
The only trick will be holding probes while turning the key. Small alligator clips help, or if you have some matching terminals, make up a couple test leads. The terminals on the column connector are similar to common round ones made by Molex.

I jumped it from terminal B to S from what I can see from the chassis manual.
By doing that you bypassed the ignition switch and also bypassed the relay.
So there cauld be a problem in the relay.

B is connection to battery.
S is connection to Solenoid in the starter.
L is power from the key switch in start position.
G is ground for the relay.


When the key is in start and the shifter is in neutral (park), the current can flow through the relay, powering the electromagnet.

The electromagnet pulls the switch closed, connecting B to S.
This powers the starter solenoid.

Likewise when the starter solenoid gets power, it closes a connection direct to the battery to power the starter motor.