Ham radio operators?

Unfortunately amateur radio has gotten more "CB like" over the years. There is a constant war going on in the 75 meter band. I have not been on the air much past few years.

In spite of that, if you are headed for technical experimentation, there is lots to offer. Some advice. Don't get "stuck" on an FM repeater, it is a very closed window into the hobby

I would steer you away from the Beaufang stuff and towards more traditional brands, Yaesu, Icom, etc. Even buy used. The FCC recently put the clamps on the no-name / sort of named Chinese import stuff because people were programming them for the commercial bands and they do NOT meet purity and other specifications.

Repeaters can be "clique-ish" and many close them up "private." You may not be welcom on some. Be ready for special codes for access, etc

Try to learn "the right way" and avoid the CB like lingo. "Do ya gotta copy" and "Yeah I gotta good copy on ya" are not only poor grammar, they are right out of Smokey and the Bandit. "How do you read", "How do you hear this station" are much more appropriate.

Some years back I had somebody on a local repeater ask me "what was my first personal" You want to know my name (or handle) just ask

The hobby is certainly not what it used to be. It used to be a sort of fraternity. Now, there are sharks and scammers and jerks just like any other hobby or activity