170 Thermostat?

I am familiar with how thermostats work. Please check my post under your first post for the reason why I want to go with a 170. Basically, I heard that the hottest you want an engine to run is 200 degrees. I don't want to run my engine red line, I don't run my tires low on air, I always check my oil before starting it after time, and I like to check the rad to make sure it is full, or 2" under full, lol... I just don't like to run her that hot because of the heat in Tx. Now when it goes down, I will probably run a 180 therm because the fans will need to turn on at just over 195.

I understand what you "want" but you've been given some bad information regarding engine temperature. An engine does not really over heat until "around" 240*. In fact, some modern electric fans don't even cut on until 220*-230*. An engine runs best on the hotter side, plus, it keeps contaminants out of the oil. Same reason modern cars run 195-220. It's perfectly normal and acceptable.

Having said that, performance engines, especially in tight engine bays can sometimes exhibit what I call the "over the hill" scenario. Where they reach a certain temperature and will not cool back off......but every time without fail, there's something "wrong" with the cooling system somewhere.

Everything I am telling you is correct. You've been fed some bad info somewhere. I "want" my engine to run in the 195-210 range. It's perfectly acceptable. I understand your reasons for the 170 thermostat, I can read. I was just letting you know if your're looking for lower temperatures, that won't do it. Lastly, "if it does" that means your old thermostat was too restrictive, it won't be a function of the lower opening thermostat.