Spare Motors...gotta have a couple.

Had another Joe Biden moment.......So i got two engines torn apart next to each in separate card board boxes.....all the little nuts and bolts...water pump...timing chains crap....anyway...
Both crankshafts are standing on end next to each other...both say 10/10 on last tuesday the machine shop calls and says the block is done....and give me 3 T shirts for me and the charge...LOL....

anyway....i get home...bored..I washed the block....get it all cleaned up......hey...I am going to throw the crank in this sucker.....drop in crank...torque it down...done for the day

during the week...i get the pistons and rods mounted...spiro locks again...get rings filed and all loaded on pistons...ok...this weekend they go in...

put the pistons in...odd bank...get no. 7 in....crank motor over 7 sticks out of bore 1/4 inch....WTF....i keep turning...they all do....Holy Bat ****...
Wrong crank.....4 inch stroke instead of 3.58.....LOL...