1960 - 1962 A/C brackets

There's no such bracket setup as '60-'62.

The '61 cars with Slant-6 and A/C used a Tecumseh compressor (brick-shaped, looks and mounts just like the very common York item except the Tecumseh was made of iron and the York of aluminum). There were no brackets to put a Chrysler V2 compressor on a Slant-6 until '62, then that bracket setup was used with the hang-on (under dash) A/C on Slant-6s through at least '66. It mounts the compressor closer to the engine than the somewhat different bracket setup used starting in '65 with the factory integral heat-A/C system. Sometime after '66 (not sure what year) the brackets were modified again to move the compressor another ways further out from the engine; these later brackets push the compressor into the battery on a '63-'66 A-body, let alone a '62 with its narrower engine bay. None of these brackets are very commonly found any more, so it's going to be a fishing expediition.

For a couple of years ('78-'79, I think, might be off by one) the factory put Sanden compressors on Slant-6 engines. Real nice brackets, but tough to find because not used very long. There were also some brackets in the '80s to put a Nippondenso C-171 compressor on a Slant-6. Those compressors aren't awful, but also not great; the Sanden's better.

There are aftermarket brackets to put a Sanden-type compressor on a Slant-6. They suck; they're not properly or thoughtfully designed or engineered and they make problems and hassles. Charrlie_S (on here and on slantsix.org) used to make a really nice \6 Sanden bracket, and last I checked with him recently he's working on getting it back into production cost-effectively.

There used to be aftermarket bracket kits to put a York/Tecumseh compressor on a Slant-6, and at least some of them were well enough designed to work without hassle, but those have been out of production for years. The York/Tecumseh isn't a compressor that one would jump at the chance to use, but there are simple adapter brackets that bolt onto a York/Tecumseh bracket and accept a Sanden, and that might've been a neat workaround for the lousy Sanden brackets.

For many years I was a strong advocate of the Chrysler V2 compressor, but no longer. It has an oversupply of certain merits (very durable!) and an undersupply of others (unnecessarily heavy, very peaky torque load makes vibration and belt drive issues). Of course it's the only one to pick if originality is a prime concern, but otherwise…try for a Sanden/Seltec.