Coke, an experiment

I've been slurping mega Pepsi for years. But recently switched to Coke-original.
My tummy doesn't really complain until 3 or 4 of them on an empty stomach. I often have 3 a day, sometimes more,meh, usually more occasionally less lol. Lemmee put it this way; a 24 does not usually last a week.
But before you freak out, I also, in the same week consume; 1USg each of; unsweetened-OJ, 3% milk, 1% chocolate milk, Plus up to 2 quarts of original-recipe V8, and up to 6 quarts of Distilled water. No wine beer or alchoholic beverages of any kind. I got baptized in 94 and after that I couldn't get a buzz on anymore, so... been der/done dat. No I don't drink tap-water; that stuff will kill you......... lol.
One would think, that with all that suger coursing thru my veins, I should be a raging diabetic; especially since it runs in the family, for at least as far back as anyone can remember.
But I kid you not; I have no symptoms. Yet it killed my Mum, all her two sisters, her Dad, and the one remaining brother controls it with diet. He is 13 years my senior.
I just finished a Coke a few minutes ago. Now I'm going out to the Garage, for another,lol. I am 67
Drink up Del! Cheers
Diabetes is known as the "Silent Killer" because for the most part there are no symptoms until you go to the Doctor one day and he tells you that he has to amputate your foot.