Fuel pump pushrod plug stripped.

Just tig weld a bolt into it. Tig welding to the plug does something with the current when grounded to the block and using the tig on the plug. It is not only the heat. The current disintegrates the corrosion between the block and plug. I cannot believe the studs my son turns out after doing this. We do not use easy-outs any more at all. "Tig" not "mig" I don't tig weld never did he taught me this trick. Cool it with air immediately to shrink the plug.

Heating a part that is inside of another part expands the part you are heating. That tightens it. Cooling it faster then the block makes it smaller then the hole its in if done quickly while leaving the block a warmer.

Heating a nut is taken off when hot. Heating a bolt is cooled faster then the external threads and loosens the bolt or plug. I don't know if that makes sense to you all but that is the theory. The flow of current helps annihilate the corrosion.

Did you ever heat a nut and it ruins the threads on the bolt. If you could cool the bolt or only heat the nut it wouldn't pull the threads. Amazing what these kids can teach us old timers. Never let them know their heads swell. LOL