Ugh... quarter window removal... again. 1969 Dart Hardtop

So I did this on the passenger side a while back... it was a disaster. This time on the driver side, I referenced the FSM. Here is what I did and the results:
  1. With glass mid-position, remove spring nuts - Okay, that didnt go so bad. Easy enough.
  2. Remove up-stops from lower frame - One bolt each, and done. About 10 minutes into it at this point.
  3. Remove glass assembly from door - Wait... what? I'm not working on a door. This is where the whole mess went off the tracks. Took 45 minutes to get the glass free from the regulator and up to the top of the tracks, but it wouldnt come out. Had to unbolt the glass from the bracket to get the glass out, and unbolt the bracket from the roller assembly to get the bracket out.
  4. Remove slide and roller from glass frame rear track and roller assemblies from tracks in front section - Did not get to this step. I was drinking heavily at this point.
So, my understanding is that there are two spring nuts holding the regulator arms to the glass bracket. It is also my understanding that, attached to the same glass bracket is two roller assemblies. When I finally got the glass bracket free from the regulator, I noticed that one roller assembly was not attached (the rear one). The front one was, but was also preventing me from removing the glass assembly.

Upon inspecting the roller assemblies, it appears that you have to pull a clip that is holding the ball stud in the assembles in order to get the glass separated from the roller assemblies (ball stud comes with the glass), and that this needs done before you can remove the glass. Is this something that they omitted from the FSM? If I had done this, I think the glass would have come out fairly easy... but the FSM didnt have me do that.

Do the roller assemblies stay on the tracks when the glass comes out? As I said, I ended up unbolting the glass from the bracket to get the glass out, and then unbolting the ball stud from the bracket to get the bracket out (odd thing, one ball stud was bolted on, the other had a spring nut like the regulator arms). So the bracket came out first, then the ball stud. Doesnt seem right to me, but it did work.