From the pasture; The valiant story of my '66 Valiant

Alright, so after my welding/grinding endeavor, I would love to tell you I busted right back and went back to work on the Plymouth the next day. I would like to, but that would be a bold face lie. So what I DID do, was talk to some old timers at a body shop near by about seam sealers, do some googles, and drink a bourbonish beverage. All in all it was quite enjoyable.

Now one thing you may not know about me (and may not care) is that I have bought a couple (numerous - Ed.) things while enjoying bourbonish beverages, to include a set of wheels in a far off state (see my trip to Arkansas for Cragars, this post) and a 4wd Nissan Xterra.

Don't ask.

But this time, I was super comfortable in my purchase, even though it cost me $44 and showed up damaged. Hmm. Damaged things in the mail seem to be what Im best at getting. However, I was told this was the absolute bees knees, baby. And even though I hate bees, I ordered it. Took a week to arrive, with the big ole hoss kick in one side non withstanding, it was still sealed and ready to go.


So a coat of recommended automotive primer, and a liberal coat of seam seal (top and in some places, bottom) later, I was in bidness! What an easy day! Paint! Spread! Take pics! Go home!

May your efforts all be as easy as this day was.



